Wow has it been that long?

It seems like forever since I have posted anything on here. I am truly sorry for that.

There has been lots going on and it seems like there is not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. Some days I need to remind myself that there is always tomorrow to work towards accomplishing the project at hand.

So lets see what are some of the things we have done in the past few months…

  • Started some basic barn renovations (moving stalls)
  • Picked up a young doeling goat
  • Adopted 2 horses
  • Put up some fencing
  • Planted garlic
  • Had a kid (human baby)
  • Put in a water line to the barn (still working on this)
  • Cussed at the early snow fall
  • Took some time off from work
  • Been to a few funerals
  • Been to a wedding
  • Had some family move out west
  • Picked up a cow
  • Borrowed a tractor
  • Helped with some events for the farm association

All in all it has been busy but also feels like we haven’t accomplished much. When I sit down and write a list of some of the things we did it makes more sense as to why I feel like we didn’t get more done.

I find it good to write down a list for a few reasons. One is to remind yourself of what you have done, another reason is to help keep you on track with your goals.

Do you make lists? What do you use them for? I would be interested in your thoughts about lists.

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